Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Please take a few minutes to complete Project90x2030's South African Electricity Policy Survey. Please do it NOW - It only takes 5 minutes and they’d love to know what you think.

In these last few weeks of run-up to COP17, Project 90 by 2030 is collaborating with a number of other organisations who are concerned about what we leave behind for future generations. They’re taking key questions about our electricity future (and the obvious influence that this has on emissions for South Africa, and all aspects of social and economic justice), to members of Parliament!

Join on Saturday!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Operation UBUNTU


From Saturday, OCTOBER 15th, 8am, in unison with Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Grahamstown, East London (SA)London, Australia, Asia and many USA cities - We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%.


Our Mission

From the 15th of October we want to see people flood into South African cities' allocated spaces, (www.occupysa.org/) set up general assembly points, public educational areas, kitchens, peaceful barricades and occupy the public spaces in front of the allocated focal points - not the buildings themselves. 15 October is only the beginning, the start of the occupation, so to those who say: "It is too short notice!" - let your people know and join in as soon as you can. The date of the 15th was decided worldwide - not locally. We are in Unity with all the people on this planet who has said: "Enough is Enough". We have just woken up in our masses and realised - Hey - we are being controlled by corruption and greed - something is wrong with this picture. The 1% of people who own and control everything and who are trying to keep the masses enslaved and asleep has to know that we see through their game. We do not have the answers yet - we'll work on it together to restore a fair and humane society flourishing in freedom. All we definitely agree upon is that something is not right.

Watch: Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution


Like our brothers and sisters at Wall Street and in Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Iceland, we plan to restore freedom in South Africa. We also encourage the use of non-violence to achieve our ends and maximize the safety of all participants. We are a peaceful protest. If you get angry they have you where they want you. They have no tools against Peace, Love and Truth. If things get heated we calmly ask our fellow human being to remember it is a peaceful protest or we disperse to re-group. No-one wants to spend time in a local jail.

Who is Occupy SA - Operation Ubuntu?

Occupy SA - Operation Ubuntu is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many colours, genders, sexual orientations, religious and spiritual beliefs and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. The People come as the People. Another thing we have in common is that we have woken up from our sleep. We have changed within - now we can co-create without - nobody is going to do it for us. No Deity is going take away our free will and create Paradise for us - we have to lovingly do it ourselves. No alien race is going to land and re-create it for us, it is up to us as ONE.

This is not organised by Anonymous, although some will wear Guy Fawkes masks, not by the Ubuntu Party, not by communists, the DA, the ANC Youth League, not by any political party, not by George Soros, not by government spies who want to get all the liberals and activists in one spot and then catch them and send them to concentration camps, not by any movement with hidden agendas. This is organised by you who said: "Enough is Enough - I see what is going on and I have to make my voice heard". We are against globalisation and the New World Order and for Unity Consciousness, we are against the monetary system and know that no politician really wants the change that is being called for because then they have no job too.

The original call went out when we were watching Occupy Wall Street on facebook and youtube, before RT was covering it and we thought, hey those are our kinda people. We feel the same, we saw Zeitgeist Moving Forward, we know that the monetary system is ancient and it is time for the new way of doing things. Some of us have seen that democracy is a scam and that freedom is the answer. Now don't start with: "So you want to barter? blah-blah... - We have not decided what the answer is, so join and make your voice heard. If your ideas are better than a Resource Based Economy then make it known. Don't just attack the ones we have been waiting for who are calling for change - do something. You are not alone. We are part of the same people all over the world who have seen there is a better way of doing things - we are not bound with borders, we are all part of the same human family. What happens to one happens to all - Unity Consciousness. There'll also be similar occupations on 15 October in Asia, Canada, Australia, London, and Cities in the USA.

Now we would like to see if you are willing to Occupy SA on and from October 15th.

Who are you?

Are you looking for an email address to contact the leader, you don't find who are the organizers of the event, you find lots of manifesto, you are not sure if there is an official site, are you wondering about us? Then you are on the right track. Here are no leaders, no egos with invested interest - no toes to step on. Chances are that if you have a question - you will have to get the answer! "How are we going to let people without internet know about this?" - Becomes: "How are YOU going to let people without internet know about this?" "Is there an event in my city or town?" Google or facebook search it and if there is not - create it. "Do we have a sound system?" Bring yours. "Do we have food?" Make sandwiches. "Do we have posters and slogans?" Create it. You use your talents and together the whole picture becomes clear. We love it when a plans come together ;-)

But the answer is: Who are YOU?

First remember who you are not. You are not a slave who keeps on moaning - "Oh my gosh it's Monday again, I hate my job, I barely make enough to get through the month. I can't wait for Friday to do what I want. I have sooo much student debt, I have no medical aid. Why must I pay so much more for electricity and then the Escom bosses get 150% salary increases? Why does two bags of groceries cost more than R500? Why does my cellphone not last forever? Why is everything made to break down? Why have I voted for my politician and nothing has changed?"

You are one of the human family who knows that actually all energy is free, cars can run on water, free education and medical is a basic human right. You are abundant. You are powerful. You are awake. You are who you were born to be. You are the one you have been waiting for to bring forth change.
October 15th is a day where people of the world will show they are tired of the world as it is, will take to the streets and start to work for a worldwide change. Nobody has to tell them what to fight for, nobody has to give magic solutions, nobody has to lead the way.

If the call for October 15th belongs to someone, that is you!. Take the ownership of the call, launch it as if you were the main organizer, do the manifesto you want and post it in the NEWS section, disseminate it by all media you have, do from it whatever you believe in. In time we will draw up a manifesto together, combining everything. Do what you KNOW is for the Highest Good of All. Do what you want to be done to you. Love your perceived enemy - they are just sleeping still. Shout the wake-up call. Let your voice be heard. Do what your heart guides you to do.

So if people ask you, who is behind the call, you know what to answer:

"I am".

Because that is what we need, that people take back the world by themselves, without corporate or political funding, without any funding, with no partys, unions, associations who tells them what to do, just gathering together, using collective inteligence to start thinking what to do with this planet. We do not have to have all the answers by the 15th. The 15th is only the beginning of the borderless, leaderless happening that will change the planet.

October 15th the world will be under our influence. It will become whatever we want.
So, who are you?

Operation Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a Nguni word which has no direct translation into English, but is used to describe a particular African worldview in which people can only find fulfilment through interacting with other people. Thus is represents a spirit of kinship across both race and creed which united mankind to a common purpose.
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu has said "Ubuntu is very difficult to render into a Western language…It is to say. 'My humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in what is yours'…"

Ubuntu: a person is a person through other persons.
We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Design an environmentally friendly trophy


The Department of Arts & Culture have an Annual Services Awards Ceremony for honouring exceptional work in the fields of Arts & Culture; Museums; Language; Heritage; Libraries; Archives; and the Minister's Special Award. For the 2011/12 awards ceremony trophies, the Department of Cultural Affairs and sports is inviting proposals and designs from VANSA artists and designers.

The brief and specifications are as follows:

Aesthetically beautiful, sleek, aspirant, prestigious, inspirational, delightful, sought-after, glamorous, intrinsically sculptural - a statue designed for a handheld trophy or award. It requires a base with provision for an engraved plaque - details for the engraving will be supplied on request. You are encouraged to explore the boundaries of design and innovation. Preferably, the materials used should be environmentally friendly. Twenty nine trophies will need to be produced for the awards including the engraving and packaging. Please bear in mind, there is a limited budget for this project so designs should take this into account.

Please submit your proposal, design and quotation for the production of the 29 trophies to VANSA Western Cape by 21 October 2011.

Contact VANSA Western Cape for any further details

To inspire you, here's some great work by designers from all over the world:

Trophy for the 2008 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Sustainable Industries Awards, designed by Australian sculptor Mick Zalesky

Read about this design and its story at onedegree.com.au/invisible-parent/a-sustainable-piece-of-history/

And have a look at some very unique and inspiring trophies at:
Dear artist friends

A contact through 350.org is calling for artist applications on climate change related work. Submit your video work and spread the word to other artists! 

Last Chance Travel is a travel agency disguised as performance art (or is it the other way around?), specializing in expertise about how and where to travel in a post-climate change world.  We are also a gallery showcasing other artists, performers, scientists, designers and activists making work that visualizes climate change impacts.   As part of the project, we'll also be building an online repository of images that will continue to grow after our time in the physical space is over. 

A call for artistshas just been posted, looking for work (performance, 2D art, video, lectures) that helps to visualize climate change impacts. If you're an artist, activist, or any other interested person or group, SUBMIT YOUR WORK! They aim to accumulate a beautiful, thought provoking collection of imagery from around the world. 

Have a look at this video by Ecobuzz.org: vimeo.com/29569441 and photographs of the Cape Town Moving Planet parade: www.flickr.com/photos/fairtradesa/sets/72157627631751393/. Also check out photos from Moving Planet events that happened ALL OVER THE WORLD at www.moving-planet.org